4 Important Things To Do For Your Company Staff This Year

Companies the world over have been badly hit by the Coronavirus epidemic, with many small enterprises shutting down and even bigger corporations struggling with huge losses. However, as economies limp back to some semblance of normalcy, businesses are studying ways to arrest employee attrition and increase output. Employees may be struggling with mental health issues, financial problems and even fears over their future with the company. The year 2021 is about to be a watershed year in the fight against COVID-19 and for businesses taking employee welfare into consideration before charting future courses of action. The following are our suggestions for 4 things you can do for staff wellbeing in 2021: #1 Extend the WFH model for a few more months. Though the UAE has tackled the Coronavirus epidemic admirably well, the virus still has its hooks firmly into the world. The threat has not passed, and it is always safer to stay at home instead of going outside the house and increasing th...